So, where you can choose to order Canvas Tote Bags at the factory direct price. Hop Phat Company has its own factory and can also be a designer canvas tote bag that can customize your bag if you want. So that you can get the high-quality product at affordable prices. We also have 24/7 customer service always ready to support. We have received a lot of good feedback from our customers for Tote Canvas Bags. We are pleased about that and we always try to bring the best experience for the customer. We also have some commitments if you become our customer like working directly with the Sale Manager or a 15-day product testing period. So contact us now if you need some help or more information about our product.

Canvas Tote Bags – full specifications
Mục lục bài viết
ToggleProduct name: Canvas Tote Bags
Type of fabric: Canvas
Color: two-tone design
Dimensions: 21” x 15” x 6”
Print: as required
Bag compartment: a main large compartment
Capacity: from 7 to 9 kg
Place of origin: mayhopphat.com
♥ Note: Giving customer advice such as design and materials at the customer requirements
Explore more Canvas Bags: Canvas Bags
Contact us
We are willing to give customer advice and design as required (for all orders)
Time for making sample: 3-5 days (for over 500 pcs).
Lead time: 7-25 days. (depending on the quantity of the product)
Advance payment: 40-50% Total contract value
Production capability: 50.000 – 200.000 pcs
Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ): over 150 pcs
Get quotation FOB or CIF
Discount: depending on the quantity of product
Hotline: +84909 938 333
Why you should order Canvas Tote Bags at mayhopphat?
Good 24/7 customer services
Free design pattern
We give customer advice to have the best sample product
Main materials were directly imported without toxic
The high-quality inks were directly imported with non-toxic
We always use HKK zippers (the best zippers in the world)
Referring to over 500 available samples
The customer comfortably decided the delivery time
You directly work with Chief Customer Officer to solve problems
We give our customers 15 days to check products
When customers receive the right product, you can pay in cash or transfer money
See more: Flower Canvas Bag
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