A leather handbag is the most important item for women, they use it every day for going to school, work, going out with friends. When you’ve invested a lot of money in a handbag, you really want your bag to use long-lasting, but taking care of a leather handbag can be hard, many people wonder how to clean a leather handbag without breaking it? Now, we gonna bring you the 5 steps to clean your leather handbag that many experts advised.
“How often do you clean your leather handbag?”
If you use it every day, you have to clean it 2-3 times a month. And if you use it for the weekend or special occasion, you can clean it every 6 – 9 months to keep it protected. Do you know why we need to protect leather? Because leather is skin and needs its own kind of skincare regime.
Step 1:
Before cleaning a leather handbag, you make sure that take all your items out of your bag and shake out the dirt or remove dirt in the corner and edges of the inside quickly.
Step 2: Wipeout stains with a damp cloth by stain remover
You need to keep rubbing until it is damp but not soaked through because it will be affected the leather material. To clean your leather handbag, you should buy a cleanser for your handbag which often comes in a kit at the store, or you can mix a few drops of mild soap (such as dishwashing cleanser or baby soap) with distilled water. After that, you spay the cleanser on the surface of the handbag and use a cloth to rub it softly.
Step 3: Keep rubbing until the stain is gone
Try to rub it moving circle until the stain is gone when you clean your leather handbag. This will help protect the integrity of the leather. Do not forget to wipe the straps and the bottom part of the bag as well. Then, you use a dry towel to wipe off the excess moisture or cleaning solution on the bag.
Step 4: Let it dry for 30 minutes
After removing the stain, you have to hang out your bag outside because cool air will be less damaging to the bag than hot. Let it air-dry and do not use a hairdryer, it is not good for you to clean your leather handbag.
Step 5: Apply moisturizer to the leather handbag when it is dry
When you clean your leather handbag, you may apply a moisturizer on your bag to keep the leather soft and supple. You need to rub the moisturizer on using circular motions and make sure that you use the dedicated moisturizer for the leather bag.
There are 5 steps to clean your leather handbag that you should know, these steps will help you protect your bag long-lasting and durable when using it. Now that you know how to keep your leather bag clean and shiny, it will last longer if you clean it carefully.